Konichiwa Bitches

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of seeing Robyn in concert at First Avenue in Minneapolis! Almost as exciting as seeing Robyn was the fact that I'd be in the same room with someone who's worked with a lot of my favorite artists like Lykke Li, The Knife, and Röyksopp.

I went to the concert with my brother and my friend. We were all a little nervous if we'd even get to see Robyn because she'd postponed three of concerts the week before due to illness. We had nothing to worry about as she put on an awesome show! I was thrilled that her live performance really brought out the electronic/dance sound of all her songs. I love electronic music just as much as I love rock music, but this was the first pop music concert I'd been too.

The crowd was totally loving every minute of the concert. I don't think a single person wasn't dancing. That being said, I left the concert sweating in places I didn't think could sweat! Ew. It was a blast, good times were had by all, and we made it home safely on our 3 hour drive home.

Good times aside, I'd like to take this time to point out a couple of annoyances I had at the concert and all concerts in general.

1. Don't make out. ---Seriously, do I even need to say this? There was one couple there that had their hands all over each other and made out through both openers. REALLY!? I didn't pay $25 to watch you make out and no I can't look away because you're right in front of me!! Yuck.

2. I know this a pop concert, but it isn't a club so don't dance like it is one. ---For most of the concert there was a group of girls that were dancing like no one else was around. Dancing like this would have been fine had the show not been sold out and we weren't already crammed into each other like sardines. Bobbing your head, tapping your foot, occasionally fist pumping are totally acceptable forms of concert dancing when there's limited space. But for pete's sake people, I don't like being awkwardly shoved against a stranger because you're shaking what your momma gave you and keep bumping into me. It makes me feel uncomfortable.


If you haven't heard of Robyn definitely check her out. She's something special!


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