Under Pressure!

Tonight I had a night off from work and thought it was a great opportunity to actually cook something. I went to the grocery store after class and got some items including the cheese of the month, Gouda. I'll figure out what to do with that later... Tonight I figured I'd try my hand at making something Moroccan-ish. I picked up an artichoke and some chicken while I was at the store and got to cookin'.

I put the artichoke in my new 3-in-1 pressure cooker after trimming off the pointy bits on the leaves. It cooked for 8 minutes.

I decided to try the Bare Chicken seeing as how I'm all for natural and organic foods and better treatment of animals.

I thought I'd let you guys check out the sizzling goodness for yourself instead of a picture. In the pan I had a few fennel seeds, a clove of garlic, half a small onion, and a tich each of garlic powder, allspice, and ground coriander. While that was cooking I made couscous and into the boiling water I put a pinch of dried sweet basil leaves. It all turned out really well. I don't know if the basil was a good addition to the couscous though. The chicken was also worth the price. I had a slice of roasted garlic bread as well that I dipped into the melted butter for the artichoke.

The finished product! Yumm!


Sandy Zeug said...

This is so cool! I love to cook and I think that your blog is amazing! Much more interesting than my blog :)

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