Viva la Mexico!

Tonight I had a craving for quesadillas. I picked up a few groceries last night and got cookin' after I got home from work. I was inspired to make these after my friend Dee and I made some great quesadillas one night last week.

I started by marinating two enormous chicken breasts in lime juice and a sprinkling of Mrs. Dash's "Southwest Blend". They took a while to cook up because they were so big.

After the chicken breasts were done I rinsed the pan and sauteed a clove of garlic in olive oil for a few seconds and added in a medium onion. A little bit of added salt helps to speed up the cooking of the onions. Once the onions were turning brown I added a red and green bell pepper.

As soon as I added the peppers I saw the Mexican flag appear right before my eyes and the song below started playing!!!:

After all that excitement the filling was done and I shredded up the chicken

Then came assembly...

The final product! They turned out great and I served them with sour cream, guacamole, and Paul Newman's peach salsa (shout out to my friend Cat!). And of course no meal is complete without a delicious libation! Tonight I had Widmer Brothers Drop Top Amber Ale, which was delicious!

¡Muy Sabroso!

My Current Addiction


So for my first post I thought I'd share a website that I'm addicted to. It's called Etsy and their About page describes them as: "An online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade."

I forgot how I heard about this site, but I can't get enough. Much of my afternoons are spent browsing the vast amounts of merchandise that individual vendors are selling. What I like most about Etsy is the fact that shopping is personal again. I bought a necklace over winter break from a vendor and with my package came a handwritten note thanking me for my patronage. My other favorite feature about Etsy is the ability to save items or vendors to your "Favorites" so while you're browsing through, soaps, clothes, jewelry, and pottery you don't have to worry about forgetting that awesome necklace you saw.

The other day I stumbled on the necklace above and loved that it featured a centaur, the creature associated with the Sagittarius sign. I really like the vintage/aged look to it. I don't know if I'll buy it or not but it looks great! (I linked the vendor to the image so you can view their shop). (Make sure your homework is done before clicking!)
