Auf Wiedersehen Marz!

Another month gone by already! It always amazes me how fast the months go by. March was a pretty good month around here. I got to see the last snow storm of the season, new stores opened up in town, and we got a new family member.

Monday I met up with some friends for coffee and then we went and had a few drinks after. It's always so energizing to be around good people. Wednesday I saw Sucker Punch and really enjoyed it. I loved the music in it and will be buying the soundtrack. After the movie we went to McDonald's to enjoy our last Shamrock Shake of the year.

On Thursday my brother, his girlfriend, and I went and walked around the new Menards that just opened up. I was really exited because I love hardware stores. There was so much to look at!

Colorado Bulldog
Colorado Bulldog

Shamrock Shake
Shamrock Shake

Jake at Menards

Jake and His Lovely Girlfriend
Jake and Steph


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