Mini Update

Thanks to a freak-blizzard on Sunday I wasn't able to go to the Biffy Clyro concert in Minneapolis that my brother and I had already bought tickets for. Needless to say we were royally bummed. We consoled ourselves by going out for breakfast with his girlfriend and getting a dozen doughnuts. I also laid in bed all day doing absolutely nothing as protest to the crappy situation.

I would have been posting here about the fabulous time I had at the concert, but since I can't do that, I'll post some miscellaneous pictures for you to look at.

Pic 1. This is our dog Lincoln. He's a goob. He's also responsible for that damage to the chair.
Pic 2. A replica of a Japanese temple in O'ahu. One of my favorite places in O'ahu.
Pic 3. An iced soy chai I made at work. Soy chais are probably my favorite drink ever. Ooh, but bubble tea is amazing too. I think it's a tie.
Pic 4. Lincoln again. You can tell it's summer in this picture because his hair is trimmed short.

If you have any fun random pictures feel free to link to them in the comments!


Byodo-In Temple

Soy Chai


Konichiwa Bitches

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of seeing Robyn in concert at First Avenue in Minneapolis! Almost as exciting as seeing Robyn was the fact that I'd be in the same room with someone who's worked with a lot of my favorite artists like Lykke Li, The Knife, and Röyksopp.

I went to the concert with my brother and my friend. We were all a little nervous if we'd even get to see Robyn because she'd postponed three of concerts the week before due to illness. We had nothing to worry about as she put on an awesome show! I was thrilled that her live performance really brought out the electronic/dance sound of all her songs. I love electronic music just as much as I love rock music, but this was the first pop music concert I'd been too.

The crowd was totally loving every minute of the concert. I don't think a single person wasn't dancing. That being said, I left the concert sweating in places I didn't think could sweat! Ew. It was a blast, good times were had by all, and we made it home safely on our 3 hour drive home.

Good times aside, I'd like to take this time to point out a couple of annoyances I had at the concert and all concerts in general.

1. Don't make out. ---Seriously, do I even need to say this? There was one couple there that had their hands all over each other and made out through both openers. REALLY!? I didn't pay $25 to watch you make out and no I can't look away because you're right in front of me!! Yuck.

2. I know this a pop concert, but it isn't a club so don't dance like it is one. ---For most of the concert there was a group of girls that were dancing like no one else was around. Dancing like this would have been fine had the show not been sold out and we weren't already crammed into each other like sardines. Bobbing your head, tapping your foot, occasionally fist pumping are totally acceptable forms of concert dancing when there's limited space. But for pete's sake people, I don't like being awkwardly shoved against a stranger because you're shaking what your momma gave you and keep bumping into me. It makes me feel uncomfortable.


If you haven't heard of Robyn definitely check her out. She's something special!

Purple and Pink

My close friends know that I have a penchant for dramatic and over-the-top make up. I really only started to learn how to use make up about two years ago thanks to numerous YouTube video "gurus."

I've always loved anything beauty related, but never knew quite how to use the products to create the looks I loved. After learning the proper techniques from the gurus I was able to create the same looks on my own. I was bored this afternoon so I decided to do what a lot of bored girls do, do their hair and makeup. I was pretty happy with the result so I took some pictures, check it out!

Purple and Pink

Just Thought I'd Let You Know

That the Pack won the Super Bowl!

Super Bowl Champions!

Super Bowl Packer Cupcakes

I'm feelin' so fly like a cheese head!!!

Imagine this:

It's freezing outside, the wind's blowin' and the snow's fallin' and you're hungry. What do you make? Well I'll tell you what I made when the aforementioned conditions were present, a deluxe grilled cheese sandwich!

The only picture I took of this amazing sandwich was on my iPod and it came out all fuzzy so you're just going to have to imagine the beauty that was this sandwich!

Recipe for Michaela's Deluxe Grilled Cheese Sandwich:

2 slices cheese bread
1 chicken breast, sliced
5-6 mushrooms, sliced
2 thick slices of mild brick cheese
salt and pepper
olive oil

1. Slice the chicken breast thinly at a 45 degree angle. This helps the chicken cook faster. Cook the chicken in a tbsp of olive oil until cooked through. Set aside.
2. Put a tbsp of olive oil in the hot pan and wait for it to heat up. Add the mushrooms to the pan and season with salt and pepper. Cook until mushrooms have reduced in size. Set aside.
3. Butter each slice of bread on one side.
4. Butter side up, place one slice of cheese on the bread, chicken, mushrooms, and then the remaining slice of cheese. Top with the other slice of bread, butter facing down.
5. Put the sandwich in the clean, hot pan and weight down if necessary. Grill for about 3-4 minutes on this side until you see the bottom layer of cheese start to melt.
6. After the cheese has started to melt, carefully flip the sandwich over using a spatula and repeat step 5.
7. When all the cheese appears to be melted, remove from the pan. On a cutting board, slice diagonally and then plate the sandwich with a side of chips!

This sandwich knocked my socks off! I'm not usually big on sandwiches, but this one was deeeelish! Next time I'd like to add bacon and maybe a few slices of avocado. Now that'd be one tasty meal!



Sunday night and all day Monday it snowed and snowed and kept snowing until we wound up with about a foot of snow! I'm the type of person that loves winter. The more snow the better, so I was more than thrilled!

The temperature has dropped considerably, right now it's about -8 with a windchill of -30. I braved the cold to take a few pictures to show all the snow we got.



How are you surviving winter?
